Pamela Tamires delivers dynamic compassion, leadership, productivity, and transformation. She is a professional coach and is part of an ongoing leadership development program through Accomplishment Coaching.

For fourteen years, Pamela has worked with successful designers, photographers, editors, and elite clients from around the world. Currently, she lives in Portugal and works with clients worldwide. Pamela speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.

Although Pamela coaches clients in many industries, her clients are usually successful executives who are looking for growth and elevation in their life and career. She believes that strong partnerships transform desires into milestones and that transforming business models evolves leaders to be the best version of themselves.


Even CEOs need a little help getting out of their own way sometimes. I was having trouble balancing my personal and hectic business life and Pamela, with her amazing and intuitive coaching style, helped me guide myself back onto a controlled and positive path. Pamela listens, analyzes what she hears, and helps direct a course of action. I have recommended Pamela as a coach to several friends, both personal and professional. Everyone can benefit from a coach as gifted as Pamela.

Dan Barnes

CEO at Innovative Entrepreneur

To be a good coach, in my opinion, you need a number of factors, that actually are difficult to find “under the same roof”.

Competence, mastering coaching techniques, empathy, creativity. Pamela has shown to be an outstanding coach. Deep, articulate, sensitive. She is able, in every session, to bring clarity in the mind of the coachee, in a very natural and simple way. And you and up saying to yourself: “how is it possible that I did not see that!”.

Pamela’s coaching helps transforming the inextricable mix of emotions, fears, dreams, hopes, pain and ambitions that we all have within, into a clear set of objectives, priorities and plans.

In more simple terms, Pamela delivers a very effective and fulfilling coaching. Really outstanding. Sessions go so fast that, at the end, you can’t wait for the next session.

Riccardo Maria Monti

President Triboo Group

When you know someone whose credt is due, you just want to bring that person to the limelight so others can benefit like you. And that someone is the one and only Pamela. Life has been a roller coaster for me, and when complex situations arise, it’s a blessing to have Pamela in my corner to help flush things out together, both from a professional and friend perspective. I appreciate that so much from you Pamela. She brings a wealth of knowledge of high emotional intelligence (EQ) especially from a female perspective to approach any complex situation with ease and poise. Without her, I can’t say where I am today regarding achieving peace of mind and emotional freedom. Pamela is a true professional and I can’t recommend her enough. If you’re unsure how to best approach a certain complex situation whether at work or at home with many emotions involved, reach out her. You won’t regret it.

Kent Vanho

Founder at Alpha Coast

In working with Pamela, I’ve been able to get really clear and intentional about how I want to show up as a leader in all areas of my life. She leans into her intuition and asks powerful questions ar just the right moment to support me in elevating above whatever the current situation is. She has helped me to focus on the specific areas of my life that I want to shift/expand and holds me accountable when my actions aren’t in alignment. Pamela offers the right mix of accountability, compassion, reflections and fun to support me in moving toward my goals. She’s truly a special coach.

Vanessa Esparza

Senior Vice President, Human Capital


Pamela Lima delivers Dynamic Compassion. She is a Coach for people who want to take a step further. One-one Coaching, workshops, and Couples coaching.

Some clients come to the session with a “Topic” in mind, and through the coaching, we explore something else to get the desired wish.

These are some points but let’s discover together what are yours accordingly for what you want to create.

Looking for what is next

Outside of the circumstances of your life. What are your dreams?


What would you like your romantic and general relationships to look like?


What does it take to be the best version of yourself?

Rising Leaders

What does it mean to you to be a successful Leader?

Business Transformation

The past actions made your business to be what it is now. Together we can design a Future Project for what is next.

Dynamic multitasking

Are you ready to learn some magical tools? It will support the daily Changes, Organization, and Progress of multitaskers.

Transitioning Careers

What the future is holding for you?


What do you need to support your team to rise to their best form?


What kind of relationship do you want to create? What do you need? What is their need?


What could be possible when you reach your balance?